Michele Sbrana

Upheavals and yet Hope

Michele Sbrana
Upheavals and yet Hope


I went into December looking to slow down the pace and create some space for my soul to breathe and savor and enjoy and be fully present. I give myself a B-…definitely better than last year but not as good as I’d like for next December. I did carve out time for reflection and meditation and self care. I did not say no quite enough to fudge and wine and getting 'that one last gift.’ ( though my boys appreciated that one last gift the most so I’m kinda glad I was overtaken by that panic question all Moms get on Dec 23rd after wrapping gifts!)


So I take this last day of December to reflect on what was and what is to come. 2017 has offered us a steady stream of upheavals and uncertainty. As a nation, we watched communities and families suffer the destructions of hurricanes, wildfires, floods; we’ve witnessed more innocent lives taken from the evils of guns and senseless terrorist violence; we entered into unchartered territory in our national leadership. Many brave women have shared their stories of injustice and we've watched the chips fall where they may. The world has become closer than ever thus we see and know of unspeakable darkness found in places like Syria. Philippines. Yemen. North Korea. Congo.


And yet... Newness and beginnings and hope endures. New babies. New marriages. New jobs. New discoveries. New friendships. New adventures. New conversations. New revelations. New commitments.


Many I know are doubling down to be better human beings. They’re listening more; talking less; asking more questions; looking for ways to serve and care and give. Many myself and family included are tackling difficult topics and taking ownership in subtle and systemic attitudes of prejudice and bias in race and gender. I know so many who are more committed than ever to pray and examine their own heart and motives asking how to be be kinder, more compassionate, more sacrificial.


So I’m filled with hope than ever as we enter into 2018 …the year of the half century mark for me! Bring it on, 50!